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Read the latest stories and news about our work across the world


News - Humana People To People

Clothes and Shoes in Malawi: Supporting the local economy


Clothes and Shoes in Malawi: Supporting the local economy

Clothes malawi

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Being positive with an HIV+ status in South Africa
Being positive with an HIV+ status in South Africa
Humana People to People in South Africa has been at the forefront of fighting HIV and AIDS in South Africa for the past two decades.
Calling for an end to COVID-19 vaccine monopoly
Calling for an end to COVID-19 vaccine monopoly
We are living at a moment where COVID-19 pandemic continue raging on, with new and more dangerous variants emerging driving each cycle of a new wave of infection spike globally.
Engaging women in action is supporting inclusion in Angola
Engaging women in action is supporting inclusion in Angola
  In Angola, many thousands of women, especially in towns and cities, dream of establishing their own small enterprise, but getting started and keeping the enterprise running is too much of a challenge when their focus is earning enough money to feed the family.
Active TB Case finding is saving lives in rural Laos
Active TB Case finding is saving lives in rural Laos
Sustaining and completing tuberculosis (TB) treatment is a challenge for many people affected by TB.

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