Our Chairman’s full speech at the UN Transforming Education Summit 2022
We welcome this global effort at transforming education. Especially, in the current context of the dual Climate and Youth Unemployment crisis.
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We are attending a United Nations-organised event, Transforming Education Summit 2022, to be held as a side event to the United Nations General Assembly.
We are excited to announce the prize given to DAPP Malawi’s Mikolongwe Vocational School for their informal mobile training courses, which has benefitted over 10 000 youths in Malawi since 2016.
The pedagogies we use must educate to protect the planet, build communities and support people by connecting them with others, unleashing their potential for positive change and action.
Cooperation and collaboration easily get lost to individualism and even egoism, but both are needed more than ever, when we face the challenges of the world today.