A project on climate change awareness stars in Yunnan, China
The opening seminar of the ‘Systematic de-carbonization strategic plan development for Yunnan Province education institutions’ project is being held in Yunnan this week. Humana Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo has joined four Chinese civil society organizations to develop this project focused on raising awareness in the educational community about climate change.
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COVID-19 is taking its toll on the world, causing deaths, illnesses and economic despair.
The Federation Humana People to People (Humana People to People) is excited and proud to release its Humana People to People Progress Report 2019, demonstrating the value of its work.
World Malaria Day, which takes place on 25 April each year, is an internationally recognized day, highlighting the global efforts to control malaria and celebrating the gains that have been made.
Theme: Support Nurses and Mid-Wives7 April 2020
'Now is the time for citizens around the globe to create a lifeline for healthcare workers, enabling them to live a healthier, happier world'
Humana celebrates frontline healthcare workers globally
The important role of health care workers
Frontline healthcare workers play a critical role in responding to the world’s ever-increasing global health challenges and demands, especially in the face of disease outbreaks, emergency crises, natural disasters and broader health programming.