Re-use only has environmental benefit when it replaces production of new clothes |
FACTS Reuse of clothes save carbon emission |
How Textiles Harm the Environment |
Reuse Recycling and Waste Hierarchy |
Donation is the act of solidarity |
Exporting reusable clothes is good |
Angelina Ngwira - Commercial Manager - DAPP Malawi |
Gustino Aramson - Production manager - DAPP Malawi |
Malumbo Ziwa - Area Manager - DAPP Malawi |
Mercy Kalibo - Area Manager - DAPP Malawi |
Mercy Muwa - Outlet Manager - DAPP Malawi |
Moses Chibwana - Acting Country Director - DAPP Malawi |
Tatyana Naeva - Sorting Manager - DAPP Malawi |